
Home David khpython Screenshots
Updated: 2004-05-06


The first version of khpython Figure 1: The first release version of khpython provided formatting support for simple data types. Initially, lists were always rendered as vertical arrays of cells. However, the current version of khpython renders nested lists so that each list is oriented horizontally if its parent was rendered vertically, and vice versa.
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More elaborate formatting is possible Figure 2: More elaborate formatting is available for dictionaries: in this case, the dictionary keys are rendered in bold text on a white background. The styles used for common elements are defined in a separate cascading stylesheet (CSS). Custom formatters can also be written: the License formatter presents the license text for khpython on a yellow background.
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Using khpython for GUI development and prototyping Figure 3: khpython is useful when prototyping applications and experimenting with graphical user interfaces. Since khpython is based on KDE libraries and Qt, it is possible to interactively create, use and introspect widgets. Unfortunately, this feature makes it possible for the user to crash khpython in certain circumstances.
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